Management of breeding

In you have complete management of breeding. In the management of breeding you can easily record the breeding females, males for each of the broods of females and the youngsters are born in each brood.

In Breeding (female) basically you have to assign a number of cage to an active female.

In Breeding (male), you must assign to the brood of a female, the male which form the brood.

Once assigned a male, you can go recording data brood.

1. Date of brood: Date of start of egg laying (first egg).

2. Eggs laid: Numer of eggs laid.

3. Incubation date: Date on which the female has eggs for hatching.

4. Incubated eggs: Number of hatching eggs.

5. Days to review fertility: assigned, by default, the number of days the breeder parameterized in the type specimen of the female. It can be modified at this stage for female / brood in particular.

6. Revision Date fertility: sets the date on which the breeder may revise fertility.

7. Fertile eggs: Number of fertile eggs after reviewing fertility.

8. Days until birth: assigned, by default, the number of days the breeder parameterized in the type specimen of the female. It can be modified at this stage for female / brood in particular.

9. Date of birth probable (be born): sets the date on which the breeder may revise births.

10. Real birth date (birth): Real date of birth of the youngster.

11. Born: Number of youngsters born.

12. Days to band: assigned, by default, the number of days the breeder parameterized in the type specimen of the female. It can be modified at this stage for female / brood in particular.

13. Date for banding (banding): sets the date on which the breeder may banding youngsters.

14. Real date banding (banding): Real date banding.

15. Dead: Number of dead youngsters.

16. Bred: Number of bred youngsters. This number is the number of youngsters that allow them to assign a ring.

Note: The number of youngsters dead more bred must equal the number of youngsters born.


In Breeding (youngster) may register youngsters born in the brood:

1. Breeder: Youngster breeder, being the default configured for the hatchery.

2. Year of birth: As default, the current season.

3. Type of ring: Selecting one of the types of rings configured by the breeder.

4. Number of ring (ring): Unique identification number for breeder, season and type of ring.